Logo Suncar HK AG

New corporate identity and website

Headerbild Fallstudie Suncar Markenauftritt und Website

SUNCAR HK is an award-winning engineering company based in Zürich and specialising in the electification of excavators, commercial and municipal vehicles. 

Byteful designed a fresh new brand identity that would better represent this young and innovating engineering team. A new multilingual website with blog was built using Django CMS, integrating the new brand design.


Project scope:

  • Brand identity design
  • UI and UX design
  • Web development with CMS (front-end, back-end)
  • SEO basics setup

Client feedback:

«  Our rebranding was greatly supervised and we are very satisfied with our new corporate identity. The cooperation was always uncomplicated and very efficient. »

Josua Haas
Management, Suncar HK AG


Suncar Website Bildschirmfoto

Further references

Logo Meimo AG

Corporate website relaunch with ERP integration.

Logo Wetrok

Fleet management system for professional cleaning machines.

Logo SRF

Redesign and technical renewal of the SRF film database.